Monday, September 19, 2011

International Talk Like A Pirate Day

International Talk Like A Pirate Day

So many clichés and not enough conversations. According to the website International Talk Like A Pirate Day is all about the G-rated Walt Disney style pirate; eye patches, wooden legs and a whole lot of “Arrrrr me matey!” The more cavalier may even go as far as a Pirates of the Caribbean adding a slightly drunk slightly camp bawdiness to it all.

No mention of Sudanese pirates which are currently terrorising certain international water ways; no hostages, no ransom demands no torture. They take all of the fun out of modern piracy.

If a man wearing torn off pants, a striped shirt, a bandana and a parrot on his shoulder boarded your chosen mode of transport demanding all of your bounty you are more likely to have bit of a laugh, think it odd that he was in costume when it was clearly not Halloween and then go about your business. A much different response when someone who is clearly angry wielding a semi automatic weapon boards your craft destroys all communication devices and holds you hostage for weeks or months whilst demanding political and financial support from your government.

I am sure to do more than just shiver me timbers if I was ever faced with this situation.

Then there is music and video piracy. Though probably not as exciting to spend the day pretending to be someone sitting at their computer or HD recorder downloading files. The conversation is not as entertaining either “ you bring me some chips and my drink”

Avast, it is a lot more fun if you demand an ale from your buxom wench... especially if you are stuck at your computer all afternoon downloading the next season of your favourite show, the programming of which has been stuffed up by the commercial networks.

It could be worse, it could be sing like a pirate day when grown men and women the world over perform their impressions of minor Wiggles characters.

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