Sunday, April 10, 2011

Review - Lawrence Mooney

Lawrence Mooney delivers a master class in stand-up comedy. An Indecisive Bag of Donuts is sixty minutes of perfectly timed delivery and sublime use of physical comedy. It should not be possible for a performer to obtain as many laughs from simply raising an eyebrow.

The woman in front of me was gasping for air for the entirety of the show and at one point almost fell off her chair from laughing so much.

The show does nothing to break the stereo-type of comedians being lazy, only working for one hour a day. In fact Lawrence embraces the theme in this esoterical show which is all about a comedian writing a show for the Melbourne International Comedy Festival. Lawrence is a procrastinator so this show is less about the writing of a show and more about how he busies himself to avoid writing a show.

Lawrence shops, goes to the park, cleans…and eats donuts, to fill in his day. If he is this funny he is without putting in the effort to write a show, I for one am scared about how many belly laughs he could extract if he did the preparation. A must see show in 2011.

Another show I would recommend in 2011 is

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