Sunday, May 16, 2010

The many faces of Kevin Rudd

Kevin was swept to power in 2007, in part on the back of allegations that he had previously visited a famous New York gentlemen's club "Score", thus proving that he was an average bloke. Like all politicians he admitted that he had been there but denied that he ever inhaled
In one of his first actions as PM, Kevin got in touch with his inner Aboriginal, apologising to Australia's "stolen generation". His first and arguably only true moment of leadership. Ever since then he has been on walkabout - literally being Australia's most traveled PM.
Rudd has opened many "War Cabinets". Unfortunately he has based his leadership on the American war machine. Start with a big bang but with no real plan for the long term. Eventually everyone just realises that it is over budget over time and with no real opportunity for victory.
Unfortunately many of Rudd's policies have been shelved. Perhaps demonstrating his skills as a librarian and archivist in readiness fora career change. Here he looks a lot like Mrs Doubtfire - something else that although big when it first came into the public consciousness it too now spends a lot of time on the shelf as over time it was shown to be a lot of talk with only rare moments of interest but largely just considered an entertainment oddity.
In an attempt to connect with the "average Australian" Rudd resorted to colloquialisms. As a true-blue Aussie he spent many days shaking his sauce bottle

Kevin has also demonstrated his mastery of the English language, using phrasing such as "detailed programatic specificity" to explain policy detail. Sounding more like a thespian, Kevin should be informed that just like a Shakespearian play most Australians neither understand nor care about its content.
Kevin convinced Australia that he would be the perfect negotiator with the Chinese government on the bassi that he spoke Mandarin. Rio Tinto may not agree.

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